21 The Word of God

 Luke 25: He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.

I have in the past heard Christians being accused of worshipping the bible rather than God Himself. It may be true that some people stick to every letter of scripture, every rule or at least find ways of living out a biblical life to find salvation without recognising the finished work on the cross.  Perhaps it is more common nowadays for people to play down the bible and make God the god they wish to have rather than the biblical version. Certainly it is difficult to live in today's society and try to uphold a biblical way of life. Yet if we only look to the bible as a set of rules, or a blueprint for life, or even a code for the revealing of the Heavenly realms we perhaps miss a great point. That point is that the bible was made to reveal God to his creations and to not only show how mankind erred, but how this great God would send his own Son to show us a better way. The Old Testament not only reveals characteristics of the God in Heaven, but points to the coming Messiah: his birth, humility, compassion, life, ministry, suffering, death and resurrection.   We are inspired and in awe of the wonder of this Jesus who came and walked amongst us in a time when the world was being taught to recognise Caeser as god. We are encapsulated by His miracles and wonder at His patience as time after time He appears to be let down by his ragged band of disciples who are expecting a warrior King to declare an uprising. Who fail even up to the day of Hid death to grasp Jesus' majesty, and yet through it all he never stops loving them.

 No we don't worship scripture though we revere it as the word of God. But in reading the bible it is like reading the diary of a loved one. We get insight into their life and world and it draws us closer. We sing of the wonder of God and we pray sometimes loudly and sometimes quietly but always to the God the word reveals. We learn by experience what God is like, but for all that we are drawn ever closer by His word and the account of His life. May our eyes never depart from His glory and may we continue tolearn of the Saviour by His word.


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