* 10 I was blind

 John 9:25 He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

 I have heard Christians say they really cannot understand why people choose not to believe the Gospel, or that they are simply in denial. That would not be my experience. I get the fact people find the Gospel message something difficult to comprehend. I also understand why the stories in the old testament in particular seem very wild and also often genocidal. 

 I have heard many testimonies, most of people who did very bad things and then were saved. Others who were in the pit of despair through drugs or alcohol and survived after an encounter with the truth. Again I have heard the arguments on how life could not have just appeared by itself, true that I get that as well, but that does not prove the Christian message is valid. In fact I have known people to get clean of drugs and alcohol with no religious conviction. I have seen people involved in crime become clean, without a spiritual conversion. I understand what John Lennon meant when he sang what if there's no Heaven...imagine all the people living life as one!

So where do I stand? How can I get the message of the Gospel across to the unsaved when I can totally see that none of the testimonies or arguments mentioned prove there is a God? Or that I recognise there are people of every culture and faith and country who do good things and have changed their lives around?

Like the blind man who was healed  I cannot explain why I suddenly at the age of 26 decided it wasn't a good idea to look for every opportunity to make a quick buck illegally, or to care about people I do not know well, or to want to preach the Gospel message, knowing it would be far easier to just take the stance John Lennon did and tell people to love each other. All I know is when I was confronted with the Gospel message, something in myself responded and believed. It was not a route I would have chosen willingly as I could say I did not need the change of life expected as a follower of Christ, and in many ways I have continued a struggle to overcome my earthly desires and tendencies and still do. But inside I truly believe in the resurrection and salvation Jesus offers.

I can't explain my belief, all I can say is "I was blind but now I see"


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