20 Nothing new
Eccelsiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. I attended a funeral today. Later after reading a few words on Eccliasiastes which I wrote some time ago, I got to thinking how everything has changed. and yet nothing has changed. While it is true that the car has replaced horse and donkey as a means of transport. Computers surpassing ancient modes of communication and Aeroplanes that can take us to the other side of the word in a few hours, yet the fundamental thigs in life have not changed. People still have children, children grow up and find partners and have more children. People invest time in their work seeking primarily a way to make money to survive comfortably, and if they are lucky a career they can believe in and find satisfaction in their toil. People still undergo a raft of emotions and behaviours: happiness, contentment, greed, anger, love, lust,...