
Showing posts from January, 2021

20 Nothing new

  Eccelsiastes 1:9 What has been will be again,      what has been done will be done again;      there is nothing new under the sun. I attended a funeral today. Later after reading a few words on Eccliasiastes which I wrote some time ago, I got to thinking how everything has changed. and yet nothing has changed. While it is true that the car has replaced horse and donkey as a means of transport. Computers surpassing ancient modes of communication and Aeroplanes that can take us to the other side of the word in a few hours, yet the fundamental thigs in life have not changed. People still have children, children grow up and find partners and have more children. People invest time in their work seeking primarily a way to make money to survive comfortably, and if they are lucky a career they can believe in and find satisfaction in their toil. People still undergo a raft of emotions and behaviours: happiness, contentment, greed, anger, love, lust,...

19 Bowing to false gods

 Deuteronomy 29 :26 They went off and worshipped other gods and bowed down to them, gods they did not know, gods he had not given them. Some people find it weird that I have liked many different bands and trpes of music. Through Sex Pistols & Buzzcocks, Boomtown Rats, The Jam, Elvis, Stevie Wonder, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Carpenters, Coldplay, Phil Collins, New Seekers and onto present day, Christina Perri, Taylor Swift (That one gets me a lot of comments), Griff, Holly Humberstone. I didn't get attached tomany bands or artists from the mid 90's will more recent years but things seem brighter for vocalists again. I way prefer songs and ballads to instrumentals.   Anyway the point is that some people expect me to follow a certain style or path in music when actually Ilike all kinds and I am sure most people do, even if they do not admit to it. I like many different meals so why can I not have mixed taste in music I would ask. In fact variety as they say is the spice of lif...

18 Loving yourself

Luke 5: 27  After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth.  “Follow me,”  Jesus said to him,   28  and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. 29  Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them.    I listen to music a lot, when I am driving, running, relaxing. I was listening to Hot Chocolates' Emma, a big hit for them in the 70s. It has always seemed to me a sad song about a woman who never really got a chance to prove herself on the big stage and a doting husband who desperately wanted to see her succeed. While all that is true. it also speaks of a young woman who is not content in herself. She lacks identity without the need to be recognised and loved by others. Her whole being has centred around this idea that somehow stardom would bring her the joy and fulfillment she needs. It is not an unfamiliar story a...