19 Bowing to false gods

 Deuteronomy 29:26They went off and worshipped other gods and bowed down to them, gods they did not know, gods he had not given them.

Some people find it weird that I have liked many different bands and trpes of music. Through Sex Pistols & Buzzcocks, Boomtown Rats, The Jam, Elvis, Stevie Wonder, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Carpenters, Coldplay, Phil Collins, New Seekers and onto present day, Christina Perri, Taylor Swift (That one gets me a lot of comments), Griff, Holly Humberstone. I didn't get attached tomany bands or artists from the mid 90's will more recent years but things seem brighter for vocalists again. I way prefer songs and ballads to instrumentals.  

Anyway the point is that some people expect me to follow a certain style or path in music when actually Ilike all kinds and I am sure most people do, even if they do not admit to it. I like many different meals so why can I not have mixed taste in music I would ask. In fact variety as they say is the spice of life. There is certainly variety in the Christian church. So many different denominations and style of worship. You can join a church without music, or one where you can dance around. Listen to a 12 minute sermon or over an hour depending on your choice. Differ about subjects such as tongues and pre-election. Have your spiritual leader dressed up like royalty or wearing a t-shirt. 

Many of these things are not so important and I sometimes wonder what God makes of it all. What is important however is the message. I watched a short video yesterday on a friend's Facebook timeline. It was of a Senator in the House of Senate in USA praying for the House. An Emanuel Cleaver was heard to recite the Lord's blessing and then continued to say "We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god, Brahma, and god known by many names and many things." He then closed by attempting to reconcile the sexes with "Amen and Awomen".  Hilarius if not so serious. America has always claimed to trust in God, it is on their currency. It is certainly a challenge in these days where movement and integration of people is so widespread. Many Scots have a desire to see us as a front leader in integrating foreigners, refugees etc. Nothing wrong with that, however if we are set to continue this route we also have to accept that Christianity will at some point no longer be a dominating factor in the lives of the majority, in fact many would say that few people native to the United Kingdom know much about Christianity already. It is our job to teach people, it is not our job to tell people of our belief, it is not our job to insist to others they cannot worship their gods. But in allowing others to have their religious freedoms should not mean we pray to unknown gods as if there are any! Jesus came to make known the true God. Our Saviour stated that   “..I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 

Some people would claim Jesus never set Himself up as deity yet in verse 13 he states  "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. "

Jesus claims to be the Son of the Father, notice this is in capital letters, he means THEE son, the one who has always been with the Father. Of course it is not going to be easy to stand up for Christ in a world that wants to do away with him. Did you like me hate that term.."happy holidays" for Christmas? Already Christ is being written out of the reason for the season. 

But difficult though it might be, and perhaps one day result in loss of lives for simply declaring our belief, Jesus said He would send someone to strengthen us. v17 "the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you."

Don't expect the world to suddenly change their opinion just because you point out bible scriptures, they don't believe in the bible! They have distorted, twisted and discarded it until it means nothing to them. By all means work with other faith's to bring about peace and understanding, but never pray to a god that denies the deity of Christ and the power of his resurrection or atonement of his blood.


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