18 Loving yourself

Luke 5:27 After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him, 28 and Levi got up, left everything and followed him.

29 Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. 

 I listen to music a lot, when I am driving, running, relaxing. I was listening to Hot Chocolates' Emma, a big hit for them in the 70s. It has always seemed to me a sad song about a woman who never really got a chance to prove herself on the big stage and a doting husband who desperately wanted to see her succeed. While all that is true. it also speaks of a young woman who is not content in herself. She lacks identity without the need to be recognised and loved by others. Her whole being has centred around this idea that somehow stardom would bring her the joy and fulfillment she needs. It is not an unfamiliar story and has been played down the centuries by both men and woman alike. Perhaps it mushroomed in the 20th century with the rise of TV and Cinema. It was not simply that Emma wanted a career or to make money to contribute to her relationship. No it was a hunger for what she believed would make her happy. 

Nowadays most therapists, psychologists etc will tell you that if you are not happy now, despite your circumstances, the chances are that you wont suddenly be happy by gaining money or success. Of course if you are living in abject poverty it might help, but the overall theory remains.

 In Luke 5 we read that Jesus called Matthew (Levi) to follow him. Levi was not a man in need of money, he made plenty "commision" collecting taxes. True he would not have a host of friends but he would have had a few around, he did invite many fellow tax collectors also. He was quite an important person, if hated by many. The fact he could put on a banquet at short notice to relative strangers shows he was a man of means. Yet after a brief encounter with Jesus, who offered him no money, no popularity, no particular prospects he upped and left everything. We do not know if Levi had been happy prior to his encounter with Jesus. All we do know was after a few minutes with the Master, he left his post and followed. Levi has seen that his value did not lie in the riches he could make, or the popularity with his peers, but in identifying with Jesus. 

For us to love ourselves we need to know not what we can achieve, but what has already been achieved for us. The sacrifice on the cross has made a way for us to not only love ourselves, but identify and love the living God who sent his Son to die for us. To accept that we were bought by the blood of Christ. It is not wrong to ant to achieve much, to want to better yourself, or to be inspired to new heights. But knowing that Jesus loved us and showed us our true value to God the Father should fill us with love for ourselves no matter what we have done in the past.Jesus is our present help and future guarantee. Our need to prove ourselves to people we do not even know in order to feel valued should be redundant. We love ourselves because we identify as children of God and the bride of Christ (as the church).What we do in life may bring us joy, friendship and focus, but we should already have our meaning and reality in who we are and who we identify with.


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