17 The richness of contentment

 1 Tim 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

I once heard a preacher speak on prosperity. He said: "you have come a long way. You have your holidays, your furniture, you now sit contented with your lot. But I want to tell you there's more. You need to move on to the land of more than enough, go claim your first million dollars. 

Paul in this passage from Timothy reminds us that the things of the world are not our concern. We have been called to do the work of God. He speaks of those of us wanting to get rich as falling into a trap, a trap where money becomes our god and our aim and desire in life consuming our energy and effort. I don't think Paul meant that no one would ever get rich and we should not let our businesses drag along on the brink of collapse through fear of success. I think Paul simply meant that if we spend our time focusing only on what we do not have and yearning to have more, we will never be content.

Not many people today are content. We want constant upgrades. A smarter TV, more powerful wi-fi and gaming capabilities. A larger or faster car, an extra bedroom or two. Three holidays a year instead of two. You can give me examples of why you need one or more of these and your argument might hold up, however look at the bigger picture. Are you happy and content with what you have most of the time? Do you feel you give of your time, money, efforts to the kingdom of God and the building  of His Kingdom? I know I lack much in these areas. 

Life really is fairly short, live it in the contentment of today. Strive only to bring the love of our Saviour to others and to seek Him in our daily lives. Encourage and bless others and do not focus on the continual replacing and upgrading of material things that won't last. I you are blessed to be wealthy, praise God in your wealth and be content where you are at, using some of that wealth to promote the Kingdom and blessing others. If you live modestly, praise God that you have all you need and show your joy in the Lord by your contentment and devotion to others. If you live in poverty praise God that He understands and believe that his Kingdom is closer to you than you think. Poverty though is not a blessing in itself. If you live in poverty because you squander what you have on things of little benefit such as drugs, alcohol, vice, material possessions you do not require then you live in a poverty created by self. Use what you have wisely and God will raise you up. 

Paul's closing line warns us that the love of money is not simply distracting, but has seen people wander from the faith an brings on griefs. Do not focus on money as if it will somehow bring us contentment, importance or happiness, but use what we have now in our contentment to live simply and honouring our God.


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